Making life easier since 2007
Novaf was born in mid-2007 with the aim of making life easier for people with reduced mobility problems from the conviction that if someone wants to do any kind of activity, they can and should do it.
Faced with this situation, we develop products capable of improving the quality of life, especially their leisure time, both for people with reduced mobility and for their family and friends.

Novaf is a dynamic company that improves day by day, offering innovative products to the market and improving them with each new version launched on the market.
Novaf products cover the needs and deficiencies of a large group of people that increases year after year, which allows us to have the illusion of continuing to design and develop products for people with reduced mobility and to have an upward trajectory and a great capacity for growth.
Today, our product portfolio is comprised of products as diverse as the Oceanic Atlantic Amphibious Chair to facilitate swimming on the beach or in lakes, such as the MRI-1e Caterpillar VehicleThis system allows people with reduced mobility to move and integrate in places that are difficult to access and to enjoy many other activities.

Currently our products are located in many places like Europe, USA and around the world. Its have obtained great results and have received a great acceptance both by end users and by agencies and institutions such as municipalities, local goverments, etc., for which we began our expansion into the international market backed by the experience accumulated in the sector and the support of the Junta de Andalucía, through Extenda.
Fernando Enríquez Sáenz de Santa María
Managing Director